Keynote Speakers > Prof. Achraf Cohen


Dr. Achraf Cohen

Professor in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of West Florida, USA


Dr. Achraf Cohen is an accomplished Associate Professor within the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of West Florida (UWF). His academic journey with UWF commenced in 2016 when he assumed the role of Postdoctoral Teaching Associate. In this capacity, Dr. Cohen dedicated himself to imparting knowledge in Nonparametric Statistics, Multivariate Methods, and Time Series Analysis. Simultaneously, he collaborated with fellow faculty members in the development of research grant projects, showcasing his commitment to both teaching and advancing scholarly endeavors.

Dr. Cohen holds a Ph.D. in Statistics-Applied Mathematics, a testament to his dedication to advancing the field. His academic foundation was laid at the University of Angers in France, where he earned his doctorate. Further enriching his academic profile, Dr. Cohen possesses a Master's degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the ENSAT School of Engineering.

His research expertise encompasses a broad spectrum, with a particular focus on statistical process monitoring, data-driven methods, quality control, and wavelets analysis. Dr. Cohen has demonstrated the innovative application of wavelets coefficients in the design of new statistics for control charts, establishing these as valuable tools for efficient process monitoring. His scholarly contributions extend to numerous articles published in peer-reviewed journals and a chapter in a book dedicated to applied statistics, covering topics such as control charts, process capability, and mass spectrometry data classification.

Dr. Cohen's commitment to advancing knowledge is not confined to the written word; he has shared his findings at academic conferences held in France, the Czech Republic, and the United States. His multifaceted contributions underscore his dedication to the academic community and his ongoing pursuit of excellence in the realm of applied mathematics and statistics.


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